Vanessa SandersonReflexology for Staplehurst

About Bach Flower Essences

The Bach Remedies help with Emotional health and Mental well-being.

Bach Flower Remedies is a complete system of 38 different essences to help balance human emotions. For example, if you are frightened of flying, taking Mimulus may reduce that fear. If you feel anxious, then taking Aspen, Mimulus, Cherry Plum , with red chestnut or rock rose, depending on the cause and level of the anxiety, could help. If you feel emotionally drained by situations, taking walnut and crab apple can help.  It is based on the idea that healing on an emotional level has knock-on effects on other levels: a healthy balanced emotional life will allow you to function more effectively in Life. .

The Session:
Each treatment is tailored to the individual. Each session last for about 1 hour. As we chat, I discover the areas that you would like help with. Essences will be carefully chosen to match your requirements and a bottle will be prepared for you to take away and start taking immediately. You will usually take the remedy each day for 3 weeks. Some people report feeling the benefits in the first 24 hours , whereas with others the effects may take a few days to show. Once the bottle is finished, you can simply get another bottle for £12.00 without having a full consultation.

Who Could benefit?
Anyone, of any age , can safely take the essences, including babies and during pregnancy. They can also safely be taken alongside your usual medication.



Free Stuff !

The Bach Centre in Oxfordshire is where Dr Bach used to live and they have some books and information that are free to download. Just follow this link:


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